Episode 27 | Full House!

Everybody’s here!

  • School in PA spying on their students.
  • Chatroulette
  • Safe browsing and privacy settings
  • Is a landing page worth the trouble?
  • Twitter and Facebook usage during the USA/Canada hockey game
  • Twitter and spoilers
  • Social gaming
  • Chile and socmed support

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Episode 25 | Waving & Listing

Is Eric an urban legend?
Google Wave
Twitter lists
How will lists affect Twitter clients?
Renaming your WiFi to talk to your neighbors
Foursquare and Gowalla
Audience Conference
Is realtime necessary?

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Episode 20 | The Relationship Show

This week, to celebrate the month of love, we welcome Nicole (@misssomething) and Mat (@langley) who met and romanced online.

How do you romance online?
How do you deal with the reactions from family and friends, both online and off?
Is video conversation a game changer?

What’s your online romance story? Tell us in the comments!

Pushing your ex’s unfollow. How do you deal with people you don’t really want to connect with online?

More connecting with old friends on Facebook.
Our scandalous internet lives.

Christine’s post To Friend or Not to Friend the Ex.
Annie’s post Facebook Connects the Dots.

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Episode 19

We’re a motley crew but we’re back!

Twitter phishing
Twitter accounts hacked
Passwords – how secure are you? How can you build a better password?
Twitter future?
Follow Fail on Mashable

Ok, enough Twitter!


Facebook EXPLODES! People from town, people from high school… do you friend them all? How does it change the way we interact with them?
Facebook has 150 Million Users

Become a fan on Facebook!

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Episode 17

The election!
How much, if at all, did Obama’s use of social media affect fund raising and the election results?
How social media may or may not change the way we connect with our elected representatives.
Election results effect on Twitter “worse than a Steve Jobs keynote,” but they held up pretty well.

Business use of social networks: transparency, how to handle “bad news” (layoffs, etc.)

Cell phone tangent!

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Episode 16

Sweet sixteen!

We talk about some new twitter tools including:

Eric and Mike happily discuss social networking and gaming.

Celebs on Twitter: Britney Spears and John Cleese. Can celebrities bring their fans into Twitter?
More about Mad Men, and is collab fiction using social networks feasible?

Christine has a nice big RANT about using scare tactics to explain social networking to parents.
We discuss how parents can safely let their kids use the internet without using scare tactics.

Disclaimer: Annie is NOT a cyber-terrorist (or a cyber-terrior)!

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Episode 14 – with guest Kathryn Jones

Twitter… and politics
Twitter… and business
Twitter… and fictional characters

SEO… good or evil?

Thoughts on PodCamp Philly

Find Kathryn Jones on twitter @kathrynjones
and also at Synchronis.tv

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Episode 12

Rejaw – yet another social networking site. Silly name? Indeed. Will there ever be a better Twitter?

Adobe Air – Mike explains why developers love it. Sarah and Annie still complain.

Brightkite – Eric <3s it.

Also, coming soon, “Toaster Oven.”

Are marketers trying to take over social media spaces and conferences?

The Personal Branding thing. Are you a brand or a person?

Using the internet as a place to gather and talk in smaller groups, i.e. Chatterous.

Twitter malware attack! How social media can give you herpes.

Should shortened urls have pop-ups showing you where you’re actually going?

How do we explain social media to our friends and family? How do we help others get involved?

Peer pressure on the internet – when causes go overboard.

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Episode 9

“The podcast for people whose time is not valuable.” 🙂

Twitter = FAIL? Why? How? What’s going on?
“The Dipping Point”

Seesmic, Phreadz, and tools for users: moderation, blocking, privacy controls?
Owning our content

“We’re the internet crusaders.”

Niche Social Network Sites

Mike & Joe will be presenting at PodCamp Boston, July 19 & 20, Mike on “Building a Successful Podcast” and Joe on “Distributed Twitter.” Sarah will be attending as well. If you’re there be sure to say hi!

NEW Push My Follow on Ning
NEW Push My Follow Room on FriendFeed
Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook
Push My Follow on Plurk!

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