Episode 29 | Droid does… what?

Stevie and Eric in a coffee shop
Thoughts on the iPad
Ricky Martin sets the record…straight?
Qik, Ustream and live video
Google Fiber
Verizon getting the iPhone?

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Episode 10 – with guest Becky McCray

This week we welcome guest Becky McCray, small town liquor store owner and the force behind Small Biz Survival. Becky talks about how social networking helps her reach out to and help other small business owners from her (very!) small town in Oklahoma. Becky offers great hints for small businesses that want to get started in social media.
Read Becky’s four-part series on Social Media from a Small Town
Follow Becky on Twitter @beckymccray.

What’s Eric been up to?
Twitter in recovery mode?
iPhone 3G and iPhone 2.0 buzz
Finding like-minded spirits
How much time/energy to invest in social media?
Where will all this be in a year?
Push My Follow on Ning

Remember Mike & Joe will be presenting at PodCamp Boston this weekend July 19 (when they will also have a drink and wish Annie a happy birthday in her absence) & 20, Mike on “Building a Successful Podcast” and Joe on “Distributed Microblogging.” Sarah will be attending as well. If you’re there be sure to say hi!

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