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Who are these people circling us?
So what about Twitter?
SXSW Interactive pricing!
IE user IQ*
(*oops update)
Please leave a comment or find each of us on Twitter (or @pushmyfollow) or Google+! Tell us what you think of the show, what you’d like to hear from us, what you had for lunch…
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another excellent show.
so many times I felt the need to chin in.
which has also given me more ideas about something else I’m building, which can actually help that wrt audio feedback/comments 😉 – based around the tech I’ve built behind 😉
“chin in” ? ??
chip in, I meant. heh
damn, I need an edit button. where’s Google Plus when you need it ? 🙂
funny, kosso, I thought you meant “chime” in.
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