Episode 24 | Delete, Rant, Disappear

Christine pulls her Amazon reviews.

Technorati hiring writers?
More about writing…

Sarah goes to 140 – The Twitter Conference and has some things to say.

oneforty – a new way to find Twitter apps

Annie disappeared…

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2 thoughts on “Episode 24 | Delete, Rant, Disappear

  1. Regarding the Amazon thing and not using the author’s name – if I’m reading this correctly, it sounds like the terms of service indicate that they reserve the RIGHT to use the author’s name, but it does not sound like they are OBLIGATED to use the author’s name. It might sound like a split hair, but that’s how I’m reading it.

    That being said, I agree it sucks to use people’s content and not at least attribute it. They’re getting it for free; the least they can do is throw the author a bone. It would not cost them a thing to do so.


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