Episode 19

We’re a motley crew but we’re back!

Twitter phishing
Twitter accounts hacked
Passwords – how secure are you? How can you build a better password?
Twitter future?
Follow Fail on Mashable

Ok, enough Twitter!


Facebook EXPLODES! People from town, people from high school… do you friend them all? How does it change the way we interact with them?
Facebook has 150 Million Users

Become a fan on Facebook!

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3 thoughts on “Episode 19

  1. I don’t change my passwords enough. I listened to this show and went and changed a bunch of them. Thanks for the security reminder.

  2. Hey everyone! Enjoying the show. On using 1Password, they recommend using it in combination with the free Dropbox. That way you will always sync your Keychain file, so it is accessible, when your computer would die. There’s perhaps the issue with security on Dropbox, but with AES-256 encoding I feel pretty secure. That in combination with Foxmarks has saved my behind more than once. Keep up the great work!

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