We jump, run, and push right in…
The Nothing Show
The Moth
One Hundred Pushups

Not Mike's DeLorean
Social networks and forums…
Eric can’t get boat and car help from social networks.
PC Magazine Ten Most Absurd Social Networks
How we each got started with Twitter.
Eric calls out “Web 2.0 people.”
Is there a secret behind viral videos?
What’s the revenue model for all these free sites? Would you pay for Twitter? Which sites do you pay for, and which sites should remain free?
We’d love your feedback in the comments!
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Another good conversation. I’m here to support the idea that viral videos usually have a lot of staff time behind them. I remember this Techcrunch interview with a guy whose team pull out all stops to try to make videos viral for clients. His method illustrates that it takes way more design and marketing work than just having attractive content. Like everything else on the web, the viral videos are being gamed. At my company, after reading this interview, we gave up hope of having a runaway viral hit video, there’s no way we’d have the time to do anything like the campaign outlined here.
Ever Dan Ackerman Greenberg pulled back a bit from that post:
I think that the viral videos with longevity are the organic ones. People aren’t still viewing Kobe Branyt jumping over a car or the ball girl who scales a wall to catch a fly ball anymore, but they still talk about Chris Crocker and Charlie the Unicorn.