Episode 9

“The podcast for people whose time is not valuable.” 🙂

Twitter = FAIL? Why? How? What’s going on?
“The Dipping Point”

Seesmic, Phreadz, and tools for users: moderation, blocking, privacy controls?
Owning our content

“We’re the internet crusaders.”

Niche Social Network Sites

Mike & Joe will be presenting at PodCamp Boston, July 19 & 20, Mike on “Building a Successful Podcast” and Joe on “Distributed Twitter.” Sarah will be attending as well. If you’re there be sure to say hi!

NEW Push My Follow on Ning
NEW Push My Follow Room on FriendFeed
Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook
Push My Follow on Plurk!

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3 thoughts on “Episode 9

  1. Great show as always! Not sure I share your concerns over privacy and control of content especially when posted on sites like Seesmic, Utterz, etc.

    Sure being quoted “out of context” is not cool but I look at that as more of a sign that we need to plan what we say with a bit more care.

    Politicians have been dealing with this problem in old media for year. Once a media source is spotlighted as one who quotes out of contect they usually starts digging away at their reputations and with some of the egos out there it may be a great form of self-policing.

  2. I used to be a member of DeviantArt, back when it was new. It was the first SocNet I left because it lost that small, friendly, community feel. Met some great people there.

    Also, it’s pronounced (mole-uh-skeen-eh).

  3. Great show all! The Plurk v Twitter debate rages on. The only reason I check in with Twitter from time to time is to see what you folks are up to, and follow a few others. I may reduce my Twitter follows to those that I’m not interacting with on Plurk before I complete jump ship… or “jump whale.” 🙂

    Also: do you have any invites available for phreadz.com?

    Oh and to the PMF moderators: please don’t delete or edit my comment here! 😉

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