Push My Follow Special: Social Knights of the Roundtable

As PodCampNYC 2.0 got underway on April 25, three of us, Mike Gaines, Christine Cavalier, and Annie Boccio, joined with Roxanne Darling of Beach Walks with Rox, Phil Campbell of me.dm, and Christian Payne of Our Man Inside, along with special guest Jeff Deskovic of Jeffrey Descovik Speaks, to discuss social media and the mainstream, and other topics. Phil recorded the session on his Nokia N95 and live-streamed the video out via Qik.

Thanks to Phil Campbell for allowing us to release the conversation here at Push My Follow.

Bonus footage of Phil Campbell on Seesmic setting things up:

3 thoughts on “Push My Follow Special: Social Knights of the Roundtable

  1. I loved meeting you peeps at Podcamp NYC and I thank you again for jumping right in with jeff and me the first morning of the first day! His message (as a person wrongfully imprisoned at age 17 for 16 freakin’ years) is perfect for new media.

    Bringing him into the conversation and addressing all of these social tools that are still very insular and insider, helps us extend the convo further beyond the echo chamber.

    I love you all,


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