Episode Two

Topics include:

Internet Fame/Social Media Fame
“I’m streaming live, come chat!”
How do you get a following?

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Thanks for listening!

6 thoughts on “Episode Two

  1. I heard about you guys through a friend on twit. I like your group of nobodies 🙂

    It’d be cool if you had better show notes though. I doubt everyone knows what seesmic is (and how to spell it).

    I certainly don’t know what this chat/archive/rss service is that you mentioned is.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Great work with episode 2. I agree that an expanded show notes section with the URLs you discuss would be very helpful.

    What was the name of the Web application that allowed you to archive and protect group chats?

    I was inspired by the comment about having a single bio (“About”) page where others can find out who you are. This is so much more interesting that posting links to all of your social space pages. I’m going to update mine this week. Thanks!

  3. Pingback: Dunbar’s Number « xensability

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